The Evolution of Miami Heat Uniforms throughout Franchise History

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Miami 1999 Uniform

During the 1999-2000 season, the Heat made some changes to their threads. The jerseys, which are the original version of those used today, used a different font with updated block lettering, and added stripes to the left side. They also swapped the orange trim for a bolder yellow, and modified the flaming ball logo on the right side of the shorts. Finally, they changed the neckline to an eye-catching V-neck, instead of the plain u-shaped collars of the past.

Next: 2001-2002

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Grace Moseley was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida and grew up watching college basketball, specifically Duke and UF, before attending Florida State where she disowned both teams for her Alma Mater and received degrees in Creative Writing and Political Science. In Tallahassee she met and befriended a horde of Miami natives who introduced her to the NBA and the Miami Heat, and she joined the Heat Nation and moved to South Florida. Outside of the Heat, Grace enjoys Game of Thrones, college football (specifically Florida State and Baylor) and cooking. Grace is proud to be a junior staff writer for