10 Things You Didn’t Know About Goran Dragic

6 Min Read

3. While building his dream home in Slovenia, Goran worked as a laborer for his father-in-law.

Goran Dragic worked as a laborer for his father

“When you have kids, one day you can say, ‘Your daddy helped build that house,'” Dragic said. Besides digging holes and carrying bags of cement, he also used a sledgehammer to knock down a wall while demolishing an old house on his property.

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Marvin Moore is a native Texan who is a self-confessed sports junkie. He is an avid Dallas Cowboys' fan who coached baseball in Switzerland for six seasons and lived in the basketball-crazed Philippines for 15 years. In college he served stints as sports editor and editor-in-chief of the Bethel University student newspaper, and has also written for Rant Sports. His favorite NBA players are LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Tim Duncan, and he is stoked to be a contributor to Heat Nation.