Boosie Badazz Stands Pat on Zaya Wade Comments: ‘I Ain’t Apologizing’

Boosie Badazz and Dwyane WadeBoosie Badazz and Dwyane Wade

Earlier this year, rapper Boosie Badazz posted a transphobic rant that targeted Miami Heat legend Dwyane Wade and his daughter, Zaya.

Two months later, Boosie claimed during an interview on the “Breakfast Club” radio show that music industry legend Jay-Z asked him to apologize to the Wade family. Apparently, that was not true.

The 37-year-old rapper recently appeared on VladTV, where he clarified his previous statement about Jay-Z setting up a meeting between the two parties.

“People crossed it,” Boosie said. “They put the s— wrong. The guy who I own my reality show with, he knows Jay. We started losing advertisers, he was like, ‘Man, I can call Jay. Jay can put you on the line with Dwyane Wade, and y’all do some s— and we clear this s— up and go get the bag. We need to clear this s— up, Jay can make it happen.’ He’s the one who can make it happen. Because he’s from New York, my boy is from New York. But I was just like, ‘No, bro.’ I stand what I stand on. I don’t feel like I said nothing wrong to apologize for.”

It has become clear that Boosie has no plans of making things right with the Wade family. He further doubled down on his stance that children of the younger Wade’s age cannot make life decisions on their own.

“I ain’t apologizing, because I ain’t said nothing wrong. I feel kids can’t make decisions like that at that age, and I just believe in traditional values, that’s all,” Boosie continued. “People took it the wrong way. But I wouldn’t try to harm nobody about it. I don’t have nothing against nobody or nothing like that.”

Meanwhile, the elder Wade has taken the high road and kept his silence. He has focused instead on supporting his daughter and the LGBTQ community.

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