Top 10 Priorities for the Miami Heat This Offseason: Part 2

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10. Reach out to LeBron James

Heat's James holds the Bill Russell MVP Trophy as Wade (L) holds the Larry O'Brien Trophy while Bosh celebrates after their team defeated the Spurs in Game 7 to win their NBA Finals basketball playoff in Miami

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Though it seems like the longest of long shots, LeBron James becomes a free agent at the end of the 2015-16 season and you can bet the Heat will at least consider reaching out to “The King.” If James loses in the NBA Finals once again, he may be sorely reminded of how good he had it down in South Beach once upon a time. The former MVP has recently expressed sincere interest in re-joining forces with former teammate and best buddy D-Wade.

“I really hope that, before our career is over, we can all play together. At least one, maybe one or two seasons – me, Melo, D-Wade, CP… I would actually take a pay cut to do that,” said James in an interview with Bleacher Report.

Chances are, James won’t be leaving Cleveland any time soon, as he has vowed to do everything in his power to bring a title to “The Land.” However, James has been known to be unpredictable in the past and a move back to Miami would certainly serve to shake things up in the NBA yet again. If he truly is willing to take a pay cut to play with Wade once again, Riley and company would surely have to consider the possibility of getting in a room with James.

The Heat have a lot of work to do before the 2016-17 season begins. The good thing for Miami fans is that this franchise has built a culture of winning ways over the years and has proven time and time again that they will do everything short of the impossible to put the best team on the floor at all times. If Miami can take care of these 10 key priorities before next season begins, we may, yet again, be looking at a true championship contender in the Eastern Conference.

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Grant is a life-long Miami Heat fan hailing from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His earliest Heat memories involve Eddie Jones going off on opponents and hoping he'd become the next Michael Jordan. When that didn't pan out, a guy named Dwyane Wade came to Miami and Grant's fandom turned to obsession. He graduated with an English degree from the University of Central Florida and currently resides in Los Angeles.