Report: Utah Jazz Release Coronavirus Test Results for 58 Players and Employees

Donovan MitchellDonovan Mitchell

The Utah Jazz are at the center of the NBA’s current suspension of play.

The reason why is because on Wednesday, big man Rudy Gobert tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

As a result, tests were done on 58 total Jazz players and employees.

Now, those test results have been revealed.

The fact that All-Star Donovan Mitchell was the only other Jazz player to test positive for the illness is an extremely positive sign.

While both Gobert and Mitchell will likely be put into quarantine and heavily evaluated in the coming days, the fact that it has not spread more widely within the organization should come as a relief.

Going forward, it will be interesting to see if any other player that Gobert has come in contact with in the last week or two will end up testing positive as well.

Hopefully, the illness leaves the NBA’s ranks and the league decides to start back up play. However, given the nature of the highly contagious illness, it is possible that play will be suspended until the global pandemic is under control.

Until then, there is no doubt that players all over the league are praying for a swift recovery for both Gobert and Mitchell.

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