Video: Dwyane Wade Shows Off Insane Sneaker Collection in Closet

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It was recently revealed that Miami Heat legend Dwyane Wade’s net worth is estimated to be over $100 million. Given that impressive net worth, it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that the future Hall of Famer has quite the sneaker collection.

In a recent video, Wade showed fans just how many pairs of basketball shoes he owns.

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“My closet is never really like this, these are shoes I just been wearing and taking off,” he said. “They all over the floor. I’m not this guy, but right now this is what’s up.”

There is certainly nothing for Wade to be embarrassed about in this video. Given the pairs on the floors and the many pairs on the walls, it’s safe to say that Wade lays claim to hundreds of pairs of sneakers.

It will be interesting to see when the next time he decides to lace a pair up to hit the court. While he’s certainly retired from the NBA for good, there’s little doubt that the itch to hoop will befall Wade soon enough.
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Jonathan is a freelance writer, filmmaker, and passionate fan of the NBA. In the past Jonathan has covered politics, entertainment, travel, and more. He is a proud contributor of Heat Nation.