Dwyane Wade and His Family Have Hilarious Indoor Shooting Competition Amid Lockdown

Dwyane Wade, Zaya Wade and Gabrielle UnionDwyane Wade, Zaya Wade and Gabrielle Union

Families across the United States are finding new ways to keep themselves busy as millions self-quarantine to inhibit the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Those taking part in self-quarantining apparently include Dwyane Wade and his family, who seem to be making the very most of their free time.

Both Wade and Gabrielle Union are clearly quite skillful when it comes to shooting the ball in their homemade competition.

While it seems like Wade’s time away from the NBA has partially diminished his outside shooting ability, there’s no question he could get right back into game shape with just a little added practice.

With each passing day, state governments across the country are taking more and more measures to try to stall the spread of the illness.

Hopefully, this video from Wade and his family will encourage many of his fans to think of fun and interesting ways to stay busy amidst this troubling time.

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