Report: Miami Heat Expect Chris Bosh to Play Next Season

Chris BoshChris Bosh

Despite not having any certainty on their side, the Miami Heat are reportedly confident that veteran forward Chris Bosh will be able to play for them next season.

That information is based on ESPN personality Dan Le Batard, who indicated that he had received a text from someone close to the situation. That information noted that Bosh’s status for next season looks good.

“I just got a text saying that Bosh should be able to play next season. So, the Heat expect Bosh to be able to play next season,” said Le Batard. “What I’m telling you is that Bosh is committed to getting back, and the Heat are hopeful that that can be so.”

Still, earlier this week, Le Batard seemed to suggest that the Heat would be reluctant to deal with a continuing situation. He had indicated that the team would be more inclined to force Bosh into retirement, which would offer additional money to attract free agents.

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“What I know of private medical history, which is to say I have partial information because so much of this is private and guarded and protected, I don’t know what’s going to be different in six months about what’s so right now. Bosh is going to think, six months from now, he’s also going to be able to play. The recurrence of clots is still going to be something that’s problematic and that doctors might not clear him on,” LeBatard said. “So I’m sitting here looking at this, and everything that was the wrestling match during the postseason about getting Bosh back out there, I think it’s going to exist and then, later on down the road, this is going to get messy where the Heat, I think – now, keep in mind, I’m saying this with partial information – but I think this is going to end up in a place where they’re fighting over whether or not he retires.”

Bosh’s current status is effectively a catch-22: he can’t play until his health issues end, but his health issues require the use of medicine that won’t allow him to play.
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