Report: Houston Rockets Make Monstrous Trade Offer for Jimmy Butler

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The on-again, off-again status of the effort to obtain forward Jimmy Butler from the Minnesota Timberwolves is apparently back on, though the Miami Heat no longer appear to be the top candidate. One new report indicates that the Houston Rockets put up a blockbuster offer for the disgruntled veteran.

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Wojnarowski offered further information on the proposed deal:

“The Rockets’ offer constitutes the maximum number of first-round picks allowable in a deal, factoring in league rules that necessitate no first-rounders can be conveyed in successive years, and no pick can be traded farther out than seven seasons.

“The lottery protections on picks in this proposed deal would be limited.”

Earlier this month, the Heat broke off talks with the Timberwolves after their trade offer resulted in a request for more in compensation for Butler, who’s expected to become a free agent next July. With respect to the Rockets, they reached the Western Conference finals last season before falling to the eventual champion Golden State Warriors. The addition of Butler would bolster the team and offer the opportunity to try and dethrone the Warriors.

Though there was some consideration that Butler would sit out until a deal was made. He’s made four starts for the Timberwolves and is currently averaging 24.8 points, 5.3 rebounds, 3.5 assists and 3.8 steals.
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Brad Sullivan is a freelance writer for, having been an avid fan of NBA basketball for more than four decades. During that time, he's watched the Heat evolve from gestation period to expansion team all the way to three-time NBA champions. He'll follow their quest toward again reaching those lofty heights, and do so by offering some perspective along the way.